
The Capitalization Rate will be displayed here.

Capitalization Rate Calculator Instructions


Our Capitalization Rate Calculator is designed to assist real estate investors and professionals in assessing the return on investment (ROI) for properties. It calculates the capitalization rate by considering the Net Operating Income (NOI) and the property's current market value, crucial metrics for investment analysis.

How to Use:

  1. Enter Gross Rental Income: Input the total annual rental income generated by the property. This is the sum of all rent payments received.

  2. Add Other Income: Include any additional annual income the property generates. This could be from laundry facilities, parking fees, etc.

  3. Input Operating Expenses: Enter the total annual expenses incurred in operating the property. These include management fees, maintenance costs, property taxes, and more.

  4. Specify Property Market Value: Enter the current market value of the property. This is the price at which the property could likely be sold in the current market.

  5. Calculate: Click the "Calculate Capitalization Rate" button after filling in all the fields.

Result Interpretation:

The calculator will display:

  • Net Operating Income (NOI): The annual income generated by the property after deducting operating expenses.

  • Capitalization Rate: The rate of return on the property investment, expressed as a percentage. It's calculated as NOI divided by the property's market value, times 100.


  • Ensure all monetary values are entered in dollars without commas or non-numeric characters. The calculator will format these automatically.

  • This tool provides an estimation and should be used as part of a broader investment analysis. Consult with financial advisors for in-depth advice.

  • The accuracy of results depends on the reliability of the input data.

  • This calculator is especially useful for comparing the potential ROI of different properties.