The Annual Rental Income will be displayed here.

Rental Income Calculator Instructions


Our Rental Income Calculator is a vital tool for property owners, real estate investors, and financial analysts. It's meticulously crafted to estimate the annual rental income of a property. This tool is essential for understanding the revenue potential of rental properties and making informed investment decisions. It calculates the effective annual rental income by considering factors such as monthly rental income, additional income sources, vacancy rates, operating expenses, and mortgage payments.

How to Use:

  1. Enter Monthly Rental Income: Input the expected or actual monthly rental income from the property. This is the primary source of income from the rental.

  2. Add Additional Income: If the property generates extra income (like parking fees, laundry services, etc.), include this amount in the 'Additional Income' field.

  3. Input Vacancy Rate: Enter the expected vacancy rate as a percentage. This rate should reflect the time when the property might be unoccupied.

  4. List Operating Expenses: Input all monthly operating expenses associated with maintaining and managing the property. This includes costs like property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and property management fees.

  5. Enter Mortgage Payments: If the property is financed, input the monthly mortgage payment amount.

  6. Calculate: Click the "Calculate Annual Rental Income" button after filling in all the fields to obtain the results.

Result Interpretation:

The calculator will display:

  • Gross Annual Rental Income: The total yearly income before considering vacancies and expenses.

  • Effective Annual Rental Income: The adjusted annual income after accounting for the vacancy rate.

  • Net Operating Income: The effective annual income minus the total annual operating expenses.

  • Annual Cash Flow: The net operating income after subtracting annual mortgage payments, providing insight into the net earnings from the property.


  • Ensure all monetary values are entered in dollars. The calculator will automatically format these values for clarity.

  • The accuracy of the results is contingent upon the precision of the input data.

  • This tool is designed for a simplified estimation of rental income. For detailed financial analysis, you may want to consult a financial advisor or real estate professional.

Our Rental Income Calculator is an excellent resource for evaluating the financial performance of rental properties, assisting in making informed investment and management decisions.